I have been meaning to write this blog for a while but have been caught up in a flurry of meetings, happy and sad events, reunions and mounds of files! So, perhaps i'll begin by introducing myself. In May I received my Bachelor of Arts degree from Austin College, with majors in international relations and french. And yes, I am fully aware that Spanish is more practical in Texas. I have always felt a deep connection to giving back and work in the non-profit sector and have been an avid volunteer throughout my academic career. I have also always felt like there were so many global places to see and explore, my small home town could'nt contain my desire to travel and discover. While my immediate family has lived in the Ft. Worth area for some time now, extended relatives are a long roadtrip away in northern Indiana. It is here, in Colt and Fighting Irish country, that three of my cousins became family through the loving decision made by each of their birthmothers. All ...