I just finished my first week working with the Gladney Center. Even in the marketing department, where I do not personally interact with prospective adoptive parents or birth mothers, I am constantly amazed by how much Gladney has touched the lives of thousands. Walking around the office, almost everyone has numerous thank you letters posted on their walls and Christmas cards from familes they have helped make complete. It truly is a testament to the great work Gladney is doing!
I have been working all week on creating profiles of prosepective adoptive parents to post on Gladney's website.
I am a huge advocate of using the Internet and social media to connect with others because I really do think it is a powerful and accessible way to reach people.I think that the parent profiles are a great tool for Gladney to accomplish its goals and provide prospective birth mothers and adoptive parents with their happy ending. I loved creating the parent profiles because they really do illustrate the love that prospective parents have for their significant other, and hope to give to a child of their own. In creating the parent profiles I can only hope that prospective birth mothers will be able to find a loving family for their child, and prospective adoptive parents will be able to complete their family.
Lauren Hensarling
I have been working all week on creating profiles of prosepective adoptive parents to post on Gladney's website.
I am a huge advocate of using the Internet and social media to connect with others because I really do think it is a powerful and accessible way to reach people.I think that the parent profiles are a great tool for Gladney to accomplish its goals and provide prospective birth mothers and adoptive parents with their happy ending. I loved creating the parent profiles because they really do illustrate the love that prospective parents have for their significant other, and hope to give to a child of their own. In creating the parent profiles I can only hope that prospective birth mothers will be able to find a loving family for their child, and prospective adoptive parents will be able to complete their family.
Lauren Hensarling
Awesome job on posting prospective adoptive families' profiles. Here's Jody & Howard's profile.