Today I followed up on the website content I overlooked on Wednesday. Some of the suggestions I made needed more information or needed to be more specific so I researched what was missing. On the website for educating pregnant teens about adoption, there are worksheets available to help pregnant women understand the costs that are going to come with pregnancy and when their babies are born. I researched all these costs and put them together in an easily accessible table format so that women could see what they are really getting in to. We changed one of the worksheets and made it more effective. And last but not least, I had to go in and write down which links would work better linking to specific sites to our Gladney website. After a productive day, I am now off for the weekend! :)
Well, it is the beginning of my second full week here at Gladney as an intern, and it has been wonderful! I think that my favorite part about being here, besides the free cake that randomly shows up in the break room, is the people that are here. I have felt continually supported by each person I come in contact with. Each time I ask a question, or look lost, I am anwered with a smiling face and a helpful attitude! So, thank you Gladney staff! :) As I am typing this, I am overhearing a conversation with a caseworker and one of their clients, and the caseworker is getting to tell the family that they will be able to travel to visit a child in the next month! On the phone the mother started crying at the thought of, possibly , seeing their new baby in a month...and then I started crying as I recognized how special and personal this work is. What is done here touches lives, not only the families lives, but the staff's (and intern's) as well! That family will be changed from today ...
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