In the past four days I’ve probably been
asked about a hundred times, “Is it what you expected?” The thing is, when you
work in adoption, you don’t go into anything with expectations. When I reported
for work on my first day, I knew I was going to be doing, and I quote,
“adoption-related work.” So the only expectation I had on the first day of work
was to be doing something related, in some way, to adoption.
549 page Colombian adoption manual. Entirely, 100% written en Español.]
About 15 minutes into the
day, before I even learn where the bathroom is, my supervisor, Beth Whitacre (the Intercountry Adoption Caseworker) sits me down
with this HUGE manual of annexes, divided into two parts, and explains that the
Colombians just recently changed the law and I need to update the templates. In
my head I’m thinking, “Ay dios mío, tengo que traducir toda la ley de adopción
de Colombia?” Thankfully my work was kept to about 30 pages, give or take.

I. Learned. So. Much. Wow. I’ve only ever
really studied Russian adoption law in regard to the United States (which, by
the way, is currently just “not possible”), so learning the tricks of the trade
behind the adoption process of a country so dear to my heart was mind-boggling.
There’s so much to know and fill out and photograph and process and sign and
notarize and mail. It’s like even the air you breathe gets analyzed! (For
example, they want to know how much money you spend on fruit, dairy, and meat
per month per child).
That project, though, is just one part of
the picture. I’ve gotten to know some very friendly staff, the
scanner/printer/copier is simple enough to work, the mail system is streamlined
and easy, the Snicker’s bars in the commons are cheaper than they are in
vending machines, and I’ve learned that miniature ping pong, made up of two lunch room tables shoved together, is a very,
very serious sport.
On a more serious note, I’ve been
incredibly intrigued and a little surprised by the “drop everything, Colombia
needs this five minutes ago” part of my/Beth’s job. There’s an urgency that
comes with adoption that I’ve never been exposed to before. I knew the process
wasn’t a calm one, but seeing how swiftly and professionally Beth gets those
papers to Colombia, and how she trusts me to get it done as well, shows me that
the process (and work) is only as complicated and stressful as you make it.
I’m excited to (finally) officially work
for Gladney and to be here for the next two and a half months!
By: Margot Twomey
International Adoption Intern
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